Heat Detectors

Heat Detectors Heat detectors warn of fire when the temperature in the area around the smoke detector reaches a certain level. Heat detectors do not notice smoke. Some studies show that heat detectors may not provide early enough warning to aid escape from a...

Smoke Detectors

Smoke Detectors A smoke detector warns of fire when it senses the products of combustion in the atmosphere. As anyone who has a smoke detector too close to the kitchen knows, a smoke detector goes off very quickly, even in small amount of smoke. There are slight...

Voice Evacuation System

Voice Evacuation System A voice evacuation System operates in conjunction with the Fire Alarm Control Panel in a building to provide automatic response to life safety emergencies. Automatic evacuation, stay-in-place, or other public address messages can be played over...

Notification Devices

Notification Devices Fire alarm systems use a variety of devices to alert building occupants and fire authorities within the protected area as well as outside that an event or fault has occurred. These devices include: audible alarms (horns, bells, buzzers, chimes,...

Pull Stations

Pull Stations Pull stations allow a building occupant to signal that a fire has been observed as they leave a commercial or multi-family residential building. Manual pull stations are located according to specific standards in each of the paths that people normally...